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The following committees are organized and chaired by the Officers and Board Members of ILABA, in service of fulfilling its mission and values.

Access to resources produced by Committees will be posted to either the Resources page and/or the forums. Some resources may only be accessible by ILABA members.

ILABA members are encouraged to join and participate on committees. If you are interested in doing so, please contact the chair of the committee below.  The schedule of committee meetings is available in the 'event calendar' tab.  

Academic Affairs Committee
Lesley Shawler, Chair
The goal of the Academic Programs Committee is to communicate/educate the behavior analytic academic community in Illinois, connect students across universities, and organize and collaborate with Verified Course Sequences (VCSs) across the state.

Legislative Affairs Committee
Jamine Dettmering, Chair
The goal of the Legislative Affairs committee is to support legislative efforts related to the practice and science of behavior analysis in Illinois through educating and engaging ILABA members, legislators, and public stakeholders regarding these issues.

Practitioner Affairs Committee
Manish Goyal, Chair
The goal of the Practitioner Education Committee is to make ILABA the number one stop for resources and education for Illinois' behavior analyst, through the creation of a robust library of resources and hosting regularly-scheduled educational and networking events for ABA service providers. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
Ruchi Sharma, Chair
The ILABA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) works to encourage and promote diversity, achieve equity, and foster inclusion and sense of belonging for all stakeholders within the Applied Behavior Analytic community in Illinois, regardless of their identity (e.g., race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, pregnancy, religion, age, visible and invisible disability, neurotype, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, employment status, immigration status, or socioeconomic status). It shall also critically consider intersections among these groups to facilitate and promote education, advocacy, and dissemination. Further, the DEI Committee will foster collaborative relationships with and across other disciplines (e.g., allied health care providers).