March 12,2024
on Neurodiversity Affirming Care
Dear ILABA community,
We, the Board of Directors of the Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis (ILABA), want to reaffirm our support of critical and ethical discourse surrounding the application and science of behavior analysis. The evolution of science requires us to acknowledge the drift in status quo, critically examine its crisis, actively contribute to its revolution, and eventually reach a paradigm shift. Conferences offer a platform for voices to be heard, respectful debates to be had, ideas to collide, and partnerships to be formed. Thus, ILABA embraces diverse perspectives as vital components of scientific progress and professional growth.
As a Board, we will continue providing a platform for critical and ethical discourse. We are committed to diversifying the voices at our conferences, specifically marginalized groups that have been historically silenced, and engaging with criticisms, new methodologies, and varied experiences within the field. In line with these efforts, please look out for more information and opportunities for an in depth conversation at the upcoming ILABA 2024 conference where we are excited to highlight our organizational values of openness, learning, inclusive community, service and support.
In our journey forward, ILABA stands committed not just to the advancement of behavior analysis but to fostering a community that thrives on resilience, adaptability, and collective growth. ILABA is proud to embrace diversity, engage in ethical discourse, and uphold our shared values and will continue supporting such endeavors. We believe we can navigate the complexities of our field with integrity and purpose. Together, let us continue to build an inclusive and dynamic community that not only meets the challenges of today but also anticipates the opportunities of tomorrow. We invite each of you to join us in this endeavor by contributing your voices, insights, and commitment to excellence. Let's shape the future of behavior analysis, grounded in our collective wisdom and united in our pursuit of a more understanding and compassionate world.
The ILABA Board of Directors
October 31, 2023
on Middle East and North East Central African Conflict
Colleagues, students, fellow humans, we are experiencing a difficult time in our world currently, with conflicts and human rights violations across continents, the ILABA Board of Directors statement is as follows:
As a Board we stand in solidarity with our Congolese, Jewish, Muslim, and Sudanese communities. We firmly support human rights for everyone and access to humanitarian aid.
Nelson Mandela - “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.”
– Nelson Mandela at a joint meeting of the United States Congress, Washington DC (26 June 1990)
September 9, 2022
On the Use of Contingent Electric Skin Shock
We, the Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis (ILABA), collectively value support, learning, openness, and an inclusive community. In alignment with these values, we hosted a listening session on 6/22/22 to hear how our membership would like to respond to recent events in behavior analysis, including Contingent Electric Skin Shock (CESS). In that session, we heard members asking for us to draft a statement that opposed CESS.
As an association, we support ethical and compassionate care within the field of behavior analysis, practiced within scope of competence, and reliant on evidence. The seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer et al., 1968) require that behavior analytic treatment be conceptually systematic, and the evidence does not support the use of CESS (Zarcone et al, 2020). Further, The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (Behavior Analyst Certification Board, 2020) is framed by four foundational principles: benefit others; treat others with compassion, dignity, and respect; behave with integrity; and ensure competence. The use of CESS as a treatment does not abide by these guiding principles.
Because of this, the Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis advocates for an ethical and humane practice of behavior analysis and vehemently opposes the use of CESS.
Thank you to Mass ABA for compiling the following references:
ABAI Accreditation Board Accreditation Handbook (ver. 2/2021)
Baer, D. M., Wolf, M. M, & Risley, T. R. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 1(1), 91-7. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.1968.1-91
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). BCBA/BCaBA task list (5th ed.). Littleton, CO: Author
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2020). Ethics code for behavior analysts. Littleton, CO: Author.
Devices for Self-Injurious or Aggressive Behavior (2020): A Rule by the Food and Drug Administration, Docket No. FDA-2016-N-1111, 2020-04328, 85 (45), 13312-13354.
Federal Register (2020). 21 CFR Parts 882 and 895: 85 FR 13312: Banned Devices; Electrical Stimulation
Rosenberg, N. E., & Schwartz, I. S. (2018). Guidance or compliance: What makes an ethical behavior analyst? Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(2), 473-482. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-018-00287-5
Zarcone, J. R., Mullane, M. P., Langdon, P. E., & Brown, I. (2020). Contingent Electric Shock as a Treatment for Challenging Behavior for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Support for the IASSIDD Policy Statement Opposing Its Use. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities,17(4), 291-296. https://doi.org/10.1111/jppi.12342.
And thank you to ILABA member Anna Cronin for the following references:
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2019, February 5). Position Statement on Electric Shock. https://www.aaidd.org/news-policy/policy/position-statements/electric-shock
Diament, Michelle. (2022, June 13). House Approves Ban on Electric Shock Devices For Those with Developmental Disabilities. Disability Scoop. https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2022/06/13/house-approves-ban-on-electric-shock-devices-for-those-with-developmental-disabilities/29894/#:~:text=House%20Approves%20Ban%20On%20Electric%20Shock%20Devices%20For%20Those%20With%20Developmental%20Disabilities,-by%20Michelle%20Diament&text=Congress%20is%20moving%20to%20ban,have%20long%20decried%20as%20torturous.
Katz, Pam (2022, July 8). The Arc Denounces Ruling on Use of Shock on Residents with Disabilities at Judge Rotenberg Educational Center. The Arc. https://thearc.org/blog/the-arc-denounces-ruling-on-use-of-shock-on-residents-with-disabilities-at-judge-rotenberg-educational-center/
April 2, 2021
Dear ILABA Community,
Recent attacks against the Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community are alarming and raise concern about the continuation of long-standing anti-Asian racism in the United States. The Stop AAPI Hate reporting center has documented over 3,000 attacks against AAPI in the past year and these incidents against AAPI communities have become more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In alignment with our mission to serve stakeholders, the Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis (ILABA) is committed to creating continuous mentally and physically safe and affirming environments. We condemn all acts of violence, harassment, discrimination, and dehumanization that are inflicted upon the AAPI community. ILABA also stands in solidarity in the fight against systemic forms of oppression, including hatred, racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. ILABA is committed to engaging in ongoing cultural humility and continual discussion about how we can best take action in supporting our AAPI members and community.
We remind and welcome ILABA members to reach out and join the ILABA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, which works to encourage and promote diversity, achieve equity, and foster inclusion and a sense of belonging for all stakeholders within the Applied Behavior Analytic community in Illinois, regardless of social identities. More information can be obtained by contacting dei@ilaba.org.
ILABA is committed to sustaining a diverse and inclusive community where our stakeholders can find support, education, and connection, especially during times like these. We welcome any additional suggestions on how we can serve you by reaching out to president@ilaba.org. Below is a list of resources for those who are part of the AAPI community and those who are allies of the AAPI community. Though this list is not necessarily endorsed by ILABA, it may contain useful resources.
Resources for Members of the AAPI Community:
Resources for Allies of the AAPI Community:
In continued solidarity,
ILABA Board of Directors
President: Brigid McCormick, M.A., BCBA
President-Elect: Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi, Ed.D., BCBA
Secretary: Rocco Catrone, Ph.D., BCBA
Member at Large: Alison B. Carris, M.A., BCBA, LCPC
Member at Large: Natalia Baires, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Member at Large: Melinda Miller, M.A., BCBA
Member at Large: Zhihui Yi, M.S., BCBA
Student Representative: Stephanie Wilson
ILABA Communications Review Team
Amrinder (Bynda) Babbra, M.S., BCBA
Jonathan Fernand, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Manish Goyal, M.A., BCBA